Comcerto è spiacente di annunciare che, in seguito agli attentati terroristici di Parigi, le tre date italiane dei The Internet sono state posticipate a marzo. Nello specifico posticipata la data del 2 dicembre al Biko di Milano, quella del 3 al Monk di Roma e quella del 4 al Covo Club di Bologna.
La prossima settimana verranno comunicate le nuove date dei tre concerti italiani.

Comcerto informa tutti coloro che sono in possesso del biglietto per la data di mercoledì 2 dicembre al Biko di Milano che il biglietto sarà valido per la nuova data milanese a marzo 2016 o che potranno richiederne il rimborso. Per maggiori informazioni, potete scrivere una mail a [email protected]

Questo il comunicato trasmesso dalla band americana tramite i propri social network.

Dear Fans,

It is with a heavy sadness we have watched the events unfold in Paris. Our hearts are with the French people, as they have been with the people of Beirut, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, all people as we pray for peace and the end to such senseless human conflict. Unfortunately our flight to Paris has been under a travel advisory, our crew is there now and our focus has been the safety and security of those on the ground. After much debate and stress, we have decided that in order to provide the best possible performance for you, our fans, we are going to reschedule our tour for March 2016 – we will have exact dates to you next week including information about current tickets and how they will transfer to the new dates.
We can’t thank you enough for all the support, the sell out shows; we love you and though disheartened by this delay, we can’t wait to come hang with you. As for the world we are hopeful. We know and see the beauty in people, all people; we see it reflected back to us daily in the eclectic global magnificence that is you, our fans.
Again, new dates and info coming ASAP; be safe, be strong and we will see you all soon.
The Internet

[email protected]