
Legacy Recordings, la divisione catalogo di Sony Music Entertainment, e Epic Records celebrano il 60° compleanno del chitarrista elettrico blues Stevie Ray Vaughan con la pubblicazione di Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble: The Complete Epic Recordings Collection, in uscita lunedì 27 ottobre.

“The Complete Epic Recordings Collection” riunisce, per la prima volta, tutti gli album da studio e live di Stevie Ray Vaughan. La collezione di 12 CD include la prima versione commerciale del concerto di Toronto del 1983 A Legend In The Making – Live at the El Mocambo, un pezzo da collezione fin’ora disponibile solo in formato promozionale. Inoltre, “The Complete Epic Recordings Collection” contiene due CD di pezzi rari.

Il 26 aprile 2014, Stevie Ray Vaughan e i Double Trouble sono stati inseriti nella nuova Austin City Limits Hall of Fame, lanciata in occasione del 40° anniversario della serie di concerti del network televisivo PBS. La cerimonia di introduzione nella Austin City Limits Hall of Fame della andrà in onda su PBS a ottobre 2014.

Stephen Ray Vaughan nasce a Dallas, Texas, il 3 ottobre 1954, lo stesso anno in cui la Fender Stratocaster è andata in produzione. Stevie Ray impugnò la sua prima sei corde all’età di 7 anni. Abbandonata la scuola, nel 1971 si trasferisce a Austin nel ’72, per poi diventare uno dei blues più influenti ed elettrizzanti chitarristi di sempre. Dopo aver affinato la sua arte in una serie di band nel corso degli anni ’70, Stevie Ray formò il suo gruppo, SRV & Double Trouble nel 1978. Intenzionato a rivitalizzare il blues per un pubblico contemporaneo, Stevie Ray era il carismatico frontman del trio che formava insieme al batterista Chris Layton e al bassista Tommy Shannon.

La reputazione di Stevie Ray e Double Trouble come esperienza live trascendente riscontrò una notevole impennata a seguito di una performance senza precedenti al Montreux International Jazz Festival del 1982 (inclusa in “The Complete Epic Recordings Collection”). Presentati all’etichetta dal mitico A & R John Hammond, Stevie Ray Vaughan e Double Trouble registrarono il loro debutto in studio, Texas Flood, per la Epic Records nel 1983. Raggiungendo il disco di platino doppio RIAA, “Texas Flood” ha aperì la strada a una serie di dischi d’oro, di platino e multiplatino di Stevie Ray Vaughan e Double Trouble, un risultato senza precedenti per qualsiasi blues band.

Stevie Ray Vaughan morì in un incidente di elicottero il 27 agosto 1990, a seguito di uno spettacolo indimenticabile con i Double Trouble e Eric Clapton all’Alpine Valley Resort nel Wisconsin. Anche se la sua carriera durò solo pochi anni, il contributo nel tempo di Stevie Ray Vaughan al blues può essere percepito nel lavoro di musicisti più giovani, tra cui John Mayer, Derek Trucks e Mike McCready dei Pearl Jam.

Stevie Ray Vaughan ha ricevuto numerosi premi, durante la sua vita e dopo la morte. Nel 1983, i lettori di Guitar Player lo hanno votato come Best New Talent e Best Electric Blues Guitar Player. Nel 1984, la Blues Foundation lo ha nominato Entertainer of the Year and Blues Instrumentalist of the Year, e nel 1987 Performance Magazine lo ha nominato Rhythm and Blues Act of the Year. Dopo aver guadagnato sei Grammy Awards e dieci Austin Music Awards, è stato inserito nella Blues Hall of Fame nel 2000 e nella Musicians Hall of Fame nel 2014. Rolling Stone ha nominato Vaughan il dodicesimo più grande chitarrista di tutti i tempi.

Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble: The Complete Epic Recordings Collection

Disc 1: In The Beginning (KLBJ-FM radio broadcast produced by Wayne Bell
Recorded April 1, 1980; Austin, Texas)

In The Open
Slide Thing
They Call Me Guitar Hurricane
All Your Love I Miss Loving
Tin Pan Alley (aka Roughest Place In Town)
Love Struck Baby
Tell Me
Shake For Me
Live Another Day

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Jackie Newhouse–bass; Chris Layton–drums

Originally released as Epic 53168, 1992
Peak chart position: #58

Disc 2: Live At Montreux 1982 (July 17, 1982; Montreux International Jazz Festival)
Hide Away
Rude Mood
Pride And Joy
Texas Flood
Love Struck Baby
Dirty Pool
Give Me Back My Wig
Collins Shuffle

Originally released as Epic/Legacy 86151, 2001
Peak chart position: #178

Disc 3: Live At Montreux 1985 (July 15, 1985; Montreux International Jazz Festival)
Scuttle Buttin’
Say What!
Ain’t Gone ‘N’ Give Up On Love
Pride And Joy
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Tin Pan Alley (aka Roughest Place In Town)
Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Texas Flood
Life Without You
Gone Home
Couldn’t Stand The Weather

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris Layton–drums; Reese Wynans–organ; Johnny Copeland –vocals, guitar (Track 6)

Originally released as Epic/Legacy 86151, 2001
Peak chart position: #178

Disc 4: Texas Flood
Love Struck Baby
Pride And Joy
Texas Flood
Tell Me
Rude Mood
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Dirty Pool
I’m Cryin’

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris “Whipper” Layton–drums

Produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Richard Mullen and Double Trouble
Executive Producer: John Hammond

Originally released as Epic 38734, 1983
Peak chart position: #38

Disc 5: A Legend In The Making—Live At The El Mocambo (recorded in Toronto, Canada, July 20, 1983; originally released for radio broadcast only)
So Excited
Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Pride And Joy
Tell Me
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Texas Flood
Love Struck Baby
You’ll Be Mine
Hug You, Squeeze You
Little Wing/Third Stone From The Sun
Rude Mood

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris Layton–drums

Disc 6: Couldn’t Stand The Weather (1984)
Scuttle Buttin’
Couldn’t Stand The Weather
The Things (That) I Used To Do
Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Cold Shot
Tin Pan Alley (aka Roughest Place In Town)
Honey Bee
Stang’s Swang

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris “Whipper” Layton–drums; Jimmie Vaughan–guitar (Tracks 2, 3); Fran Christina–drums Track 8); Stan Harrison–tenor saxophone (Track 8)

Produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Chris Layton, Tommy Shannon, Richard Mullen, and Jim Capfer
Executive Producer: John Hammond

Originally released as Epic 39304, 1984
Peak chart position: #31

Disc 7: Live At Carnegie Hall (Recorded October 4, 1984; New York City)
Intro–Ken Dashow/John Hammond
Scuttle Buttin’
Love Struck Baby
Honey Bee
Cold Shot
Letter To My Girlfriend
Dirty Pool
Pride And Joy
The Things That I Used To Do
Iced Over
Rude Mood

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris Layton–drums; Jimmie Vaughan–guitar; Dr. John–keyboards; George Rains–drums; The Roomful Of Blues Horn Section: Bob Enos–trumpet; Porky Cohen–trombone; Rich Lataille–alto saxophone; Greg Piccolo–tenor saxophone; Doug James–baritone saxophone; and Angela Strehli–vocals (Track 11)

Produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan

Originally released as Epic 68163, 1997
Peak chart position: #40

Disc 8: Soul To Soul (1985)
Say What!
Lookin’ Out The Window
Look At Little Sister
Ain’t Gone ‘N’ Give Up On Love
Gone Home
Change It
You’ll Be Mine
Empty Arms
Come On (Part III)
Life Without You

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris “Whipper” Layton–drums; Reese Wynans–keyboards; Joe Sublett–saxophone

Produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Double Trouble and Richard Mullen
Executive Producer: John Hammond

Originally released as Epic 40036, 1985
Peak chart position: #34

Disc 9: Live Alive (Recorded July 16, 1985, Montreux International Jazz Festival; July 17-18, 1986, Austin, Texas; July 19, 1986, Dallas, Texas)
Say What!
Ain’t Gone ‘N’ Give Up On Love
Pride And Joy
Mary Had A Little Lamb
I’m Leaving You (Commit A Crime)
Cold Shot
Willie The Wimp
Look At Little Sister
Texas Flood
Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Love Struck Baby
Change It
Life Without You

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris “Whipper” Layton–drums; Reese Wynans–keyboards; Jimmie Vaughan–guitar or six string bass (Tracks 8, 9, 12, 13)

Produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble

Originally released as Epic 40511, 1986
Peak chart position: #52

Disc 10: In Step (1989)
The House Is Rockin’
Let Me Love You Baby
Leave My Girl Alone
Travis Walk
Wall Of Denial
Love Me Darlin’
Riviera Paradise

Stevie Ray Vaughan–guitar, vocals; Tommy Shannon–bass; Chris Layton–drums; Reese Wynans–keyboards; Joe Sublett, Darrell Leonard–horns (Tracks 2, 9)

Produced by Jim Gaines & Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble
Recorded in Memphis, Tennessee and Los Angeles, California

Originally released as Epic 45024, 1989
Peak chart position: #33

Disc 11: Archives/Disc One
Tin Pan Alley (aka Roughest Place In Town)
Empty Arms
Come On (Part III)
Look At Little Sister
The Sky Is Crying
Hide Away
Give Me Back My Wig
Boot Hill
Close To You
Little Wing
Stang’s Swang

Disc 12: Archives/Disc Two
May I Have A Talk With You
The Sky Is Crying
Shake And Bake
So Excited
Slip Slidin’ Slim
Chitlins Con Carne
Little Wing/Third Stone From The Sun
Boot Hill
Life By The Drop

Archives/Disc One, Track 1 produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Richard Mullen and Double Trouble; Executive Producer: John Hammond
Archives/Disc One, Tracks 2-12 produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Chris Layton, Tommy Shannon, Richard Mullen, and Jim Capfer; Executive Producer: John Hammond
Archives/Disc Two, Tracks 1-8 produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Double Trouble and Richard Mullen; Executive Producer: John Hammond
Archives/Disc Two, Track 9 produced by Jim Gaines & Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble
Archives/Disc Two, Track 10 produced by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jim Gaines